______________SELAMAT DATANG_________

_________SELAMAT DATANG_________

Sabtu, 17 Juli 2010



1)      Stop bermain-main dengan waktu, ingat setiap waktu yang terlewat tidak akan mungkin kembali lagi. Menurut saya waktu adalah nyawa jadi jika kita menyia-nyiakan waktu sama aja kita menyia-nyiakan nyawa(hidup) kita sendiri.

2)   2.   Ubah pola pikir kita, jangan pernah menganggap kita masih terlalu jauh atau terlalu muda untuk menggapai itu. Jikalau saya sudah berfikir seperti ini sejak saya SD ada kemungkinan saya sudah semakin dekat dengan kesuksesan atau bahkan saya sudah sukses saat ini.
3)    3  Be smart people saya tidak menyarankan anda untuk stop belajar dan bekerja saat ini juga , mungkin anda berfikir sukses diraih dengan bekerja keras. Itu adalah salah besar Karena sekeras-kerasnya anda bekerja tanpa pengetahuan anda tidak akan menjadi apa-apa yang benar saat ini adalah kita harus bekerja cerdas bukan bekerja keras.
4)    4  Menjauhi diri kita dari hal-hal yang sama sekali tidak mendukung cita-cita kita, Fokuslah pada semua yang mendukung cita-cita kita untuk sukses semuda mungkin.
5)    5  Lakukan Sekarang ! jangan pernah menunda apa yang anda bisa lakukan sekarang. Karena penundaan itu adalah bukti dari kemalasan dan ketidakmampuan kita.

Sabtu, 10 Juli 2010


ALAM tidak hanya menyediakan tanaman herbal berkhasiat obat. Hewan-hewan juga bisa digunakan untuk mengatasi berbagai penyakit. Tanduk rusa misalnya, bisa membantu mengatasai radang sendi dan racun lebah mencegah kanker. Berikut beberapa komponen hewani yang bisa digunakan sebagai obat.

Racun lebah

Digunakan untuk: Alergi dan kanker
Cara kerja
Racun lebah dan racun tawon digunakan untuk mengatasi alergi serbuk bunga. Teknik pengobatan yang dikenal dengan immunotherapy ini, melibatkan pemberian racun lebah atau tawon berulang, serta ekstrak rumput untuk membangun toleransi pasien.

Injeksi diberikan selama periode lima tahun dan biasanya menghentikan gejala-gejala alergi serangga secara keseluruhan dengan perlindungan jangka panjang. Pengobatan ini digunakan secara luas di Eropa.

Selain itu, racun lebah juga bisa digunakan untuk menyerang tumor dan terbukti efektif sebagai pengobatan kanker di masa depan. Dalam sebuah percobaan di Washington University School of Medicine di St. Louis, peneliti menempelkan melittin (zat kimia beracun dalam sengatan lebah) ke molekul kecil. Racun ini terbukti menyerang dan menghancurkan sel-sel kanker dan membiarkan sel-sel sehat.

Minyak emu

Digunakan untuk: Nyeri sendi, luka dan goresan
Cara kerja
Minyak emu diambil dari jarinagn lemak di punggung emu. Minyak ini telah digunakan oleh suku Aborigin selama ribuan tahun. Minyak emu diyakini mengandung komponen antiperadangan alami. Sebuah studi dari Victoria University di Melbourne menunjukkan pengurangan rasa sakit pada pasien osteoarthritis dengan cara mengoleskan atau mengonsumsi minyak emu.

Tulang rawan ikan hiu

Digunakan untuk: Osteoarthritis, kanker
Cara kerja
Molekul chondroitin dalam tulang rawan ikan hiu membantu membuat tulang rawan tetap elastis dan menghambat enzim-enzim yang memecah tulang rawan. Selain itu, chondroitin juga membantu tubuh memproduksi tulang rawan baru. Suplemen tulang rawan ikan hiu diyakini bisa membantu mengatasi osteoarthritis dan menghambat perkembangan penyakit tersebut.

"Saya sudah melihat banyak pasien yang mengklaim merasakan manfaat tulang rawan ikan hiu. Suplemen ini juga menghambat penyebaran kanker otak, payudara dan prostat. Sebuah studi dari Amerika Serikat menemukan bahwa tulang rawan ni mengandung protein yang mencegah pertumbuhan tumor," terang As Rob Pollock, seorang konsultan bedah ortopedi dari Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital di London, seperti dikutip situs dailymail.co.uk.

Kolagen sapi dan banteng

Digunakan untuk: Rematik arthritis
Cara kerja
Kolagen merupakan satu tipe protein yang menghubungkan dan mendukung jaringan dalam kulit dan otot. Sebuah studi dari Argentina menemukan, mengonsumsi suplemen kolagen sapi membantu menurunkan substansi-subtansi dalam darah yang dikenal sebagai faktor rematoid dan faktor tumor necrosis, yang bisa merusak persendian.

Saat dicerna, kolagen sapi diyakini terkumpul dalam persendian yang stres, menstimulasi sel-sel tulang rawan untuk menghasilkan lebih banyak kolagen dan meningkatkan kelenturan dan mobilitas.

Ekstrak siput

Digunakan untuk: Luka, patah tulang
Cara kerja
Daya penyembuh dan perbaikan dari lendir siput, diperoleh tanpa membahayakan siput, ditemukan secara tidak sengaja oleh petani ciput di Chili beberapa tahun lalu. Petani tersebut menyadari bahwa tangan mereka lebih halus dan lembut serta luka dan goresan kecil sembuh lebih cepat dibandingkan biasanya.

Penelitian klinis yang dipublikasikan di The International Society of Skin Pharmacology Journal mengkonfrimasi adanya komponen regeneratif dalam siput. Lendir siput mengandung allantonin, kolagen dan elastin yang digunakan siput untuk memperbaiki cangkang mereka. Komponen ini diyakini mempunyai efek yang sama terhadap kulit.

"Allantonin mempunyai komponen pelembab dan keratolytic yang bisa membantu melembutkan kulit kering," papar Dr Andrew Wright, konsultan dermatolog dari Bradford NHS Trust.

Sementara itu, peneliti dari Heriot-Watt University menemukan bahwa lendir yang dikeluarkan oleh siput tanah raksasa Afrika mengandung kristal Calcite, sejenis mineral. Komponen ini cepat mengeras dan diharapkan bisa digunakan sebagai obat dalam bentuk 'semen tulang' untuk membantu memperbaiki tulang yang patah atau retak.

Empat Bumbu Untuk OBAT coy....

UNTUK mengatasi beragam gangguan ringan, Anda tidak perlu bergantung pada obat-obat kimia. Cobalah meminimalkan efek negatif kimia dengan menggunakan herbal dan bumbu yang mengandung komponen tumbuhan bermanfaat.

Berikut beberapa bumbu berkhasiat penyembuh yang bisa menjadi pilihan Anda:


Bumbu beraroma khas ini mengandung zat kimia antiperadangan yang dikenal dengan
eugenol. Studi-studi pada hewan menunjukkan, zat kimia ini menghambat COX-2, protein yang memacu peradangan. Selain itu, menurut temuan studi lain, cengkeh juga kaya antioksidan.

Kombinasi antiperadangan dan antioksidan dalam cengkeh mempunyai sejumlah manfaat, mulai dari melindungi jantung dan membantu mencegah kanker, hingga memperlambat kerusakan tulang dan tulang rawan akibat radang sendi. Di samping itu, komponen dalam cengkeh (seperti yang terkandung dalam kulit manis) juga terlihat memperbaiki fungsi insulin.

Sakit gigi? Cobalah meletakkan dua cengkeh utuh dalam mulut Anda. Biarkan cengkeh melembut, kemudian gigit perlahan untuk melepaskan kandungan minyak di dalamnya. Selanjutnya, gerakkan cengkeh tersebut ke area gigi yang sakit dan biarkan hingga setengah jam.

Minyak cengkeh berfungsi melawan bakteri sekaligus mempunyai efek mematikan rasa. Hasil tes menunjukkan, cengkeh juga membunuh bakteri tertentu yang kebal terhadap antibiotik.


Biji ketumbar telah digunakan selama ribuan tahun untuk membantu pencernaan. Cobalah membuat teh kuat dari biji ketumbar yang sudah dihaluskan (saring sebelum diminum). Herbal satu ini bisa membantu mengatasi sindrom gangguan usus dengan cara menenangkan kejang usus (yang bisa memicu diare).

Studi-studi pendahuluan juga menunjukkan bahwa ketumbar bisa meredakan kecemasan. Dan kandungan minyak di dalamnya berfungsi melawan bakteri, termasuk
E. coli dan salmonella. Di samping itu, studi menunjukakn bahwa ketumbar bisa menurunkan kadar kolesterol. Sama seperti herbal lainnya, ketumbar bekerja sebagai antioksidan.

Buah pala

Sama seperti cengkeh, buah pala mengandung
eugenol, komponen yang bermanfaat menjaga kesehatan jantung. Kandungan myristicin dalam bumbu satu ini bisa menyebabkan euforia. Efek ini dinyatakan sama dengan efek yang dipicu obat ekstasi.

Dari sisi medis, buah pala mengandung komponen antibakteri kuat. Komponen di dalamnya terbukti bisa membunuh sejumlah bakteri penyebab gigi berlubang dalam mulut. Selain itu,
myristicin juga terlihat menghambat enzim dalam otak yang memciu penyakit kepikunan serta memperbaiki memori pada tikus.


Sage dikenal sebagai penguat memori. Studi-studi laboratorium menunjukkan bahwa sage melindungi otak dari proses-proses yang memicu kepikunan. Studi pada manusia menunjukkan bahwa minyak dalam sage berfungsi memperbaiki suasana hati, meningkatkan kepekaan, ketenangan, dan kepuasan. Sebuah studi dari Inggris menemukan, orang dewasa sehat mempunyai performa tes mengingat kata yang lebih baik setelah mengonsumsi kapsul berisik minyak sage.

Sama seperti banyak herbal dan bumbu lainnya, sage mengandung komponen antiperadangan dan antioksidan. Sekarang ini, sage juga dinyatakan berpotensi mengatasi diabetes. Herbal ini terlihat meningkatkan aksi insulin dalam menurunkan kadar gula darah. Sebagai akibatnya, sage seringkali disebut-sebut sebagai
metformin (obat antidiabetes yang umum digunakan). Beberapa peneliti menyatakan bahwa suplemen sage bisa membantu mencegah diabetes tipe 2.(IK/X-12)

Jumat, 09 Juli 2010

Kekuatan Pikiran Bawah Sadar

Manusia memiliki kekuatan yang luar biasa untuk menciptakan
mahakarya. Kekuatan terbesar dalam diri manusia itu terdapat pada
pikiran. Tetapi kita jarang membuktikan kekuatan pikiran tersebut,
sebab kita sering terjebak dalam zona nyaman atau kebiasaan tertentu.
Sehingga selamanya tidak dapat mencari kemungkinan yang lebih baik
atau perubahan nasib yang berarti.
Oleh karena itu milikilah target yang lebih tinggi untuk merangsang
kekuatan dalam pikiran tersebut. Sebab target atau sasaran baru yang
dipikirkan itu akan menggerakkan diri kita untuk melaksanakan
tindakan. Apalagi jika diyakini target tersebut bakal tercapai, maka
diri kita akan lebih siap menghadapi tantangan yang ada.

Setelah tindakan-tindakan baru yang lebih konstruktif dikerjakan
hingga berulang-ulang, maka tanpa disadari kita sudah banyak
melakukan hal-hal penting hinga kita tiba di zona baru, dimana kita
berhasil mencapai target yang didambakan. Itulah mengapa dikatakan
bahwa manusia mempunyai potensi yang sangat besar dalam pikiran bawah
sadar. Kekuatan pikiran bawah sadar itu dapat dibangkitkan melalui 2
cara, yaitu: autosuggestion dan visualization.
Keinginan-keinginan kita merupakan informasi penting untuk pikiran
bawah sadar. Sebab keinginan yang terekam kuat dalam pikiran bawah
sadar sangat besar dapat menjadi daya dorong yang akan menggerakkan
diri kita untuk berbuat sesuatu yang luar biasa. Keinginan yang
sangat besar dan terekam dalam pikiran bawah sadar itulah yang
dinamakan autosuggestion.
Autosuggestion seharusnya dilakukan dengan penuh rasa percaya,
melibatkan emosi dalam diri, dilakukan penuh konsentrasi terhadap
obyek yang positif, dan berulang-ulang. Selanjutnya, pikiran bawah
sadar inilah yang akan mendikte gerak-gerik tubuh kita. Kekuatan yang
ditimbulkan oleh pikiran bawah sadar itu sangat dahsyat entah
digunakan untuk melakukan perbuatan buruk atau baik. Kadangkala niat
untuk melakukan sesuatu secara otomatis muncul dari pikiran bawah
Autosuggestion akan mengetuk kesadaran (heartknock). Karena dilakukan
berulang-ulang dan rutin, suatu ketika kata-kata tersebut akan
menembus pikiran bawah sadar. Lalu pikiran bawah sadar itupun memompa
semangat. Energi itu dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mewujudkan impian hidup
Mungkin kegiatan autosuggestion ini akan dianggap aneh oleh orang
lain. Tetapi itulah salah satu cara untuk mengubah diri dari dalam.
Biasakan mendengar pola pikir positif dan melakukan kebiasaan-
kebiasaan yang konstruktif. Jadi jangan ragu untuk melakukan budaya-
budaya yang potensial, menumbuhkan optimisme dan kreatifitas.
Ada 6 (P) petunjuk dalam melakukan autosuggestion, yaitu;
- Positive : pada saat melakukan autosuggestion, pikirkan hal-hal
yang positif saja.
- Powerful : lakukan dengan penuh keyakinan sebab dapat memberikan
kekuatan untuk berbuat sesuatu yang luar biasa.
- Precise : keinginan yang hendak dicapai harus sudah dapat
dideskripsikan, karena pikiran bawah sadar hanya bisa menyusun
berdasarkan kategori.
- Present Tense: dalam bentuk keinginan saat ini, bukan keinginan di
masa lalu atau akan datang.
- Personal : lakukan perubahan positif terhadap diri sendiri terlebih
Bila kita menginginkan sesuatu maka pikiran bawah sadar akan
menggambarkan apa yang didambakan itu. Dengan cara memvisualisasikan
impian terlebih dahulu, terciptalah banyak sekali karya-karya
spektakuler di dunia ini. Marcus Aurelius Antonius, seorang kaisar
Romawi jaman dahulu mengatakan, “A man’s life is what his thought
make of it – Kehidupan manusia ialah bagaimana mereka memikirkannya.”
Sesuatu yang selalu divisualisasikan manusia akan mudah terekam dalam
pikiran bawah sadar. Lalu muncul kekuatan pikiran tersebut, yang
berperan sebagai penghubung antara jiwa dengan tubuh. Sehingga
tubuhpun bereaksi dengan mengerahkan seluruh potensi yang sebelumnya
tidak pernah digunakan, dalam bentuk kreatifitas atau tindakan.
Memvisualisasikan impian memungkinkan seluruh impian tercapai oleh
pikiran bawah sadar.
Tuhan Yang Maha Esa menganugerahkan potensi yang sama besar kepada
manusia. Tidak ada ruginya membayangkan betapa berpotensinya diri
kita untuk mencapai impian-impian. Berikut ini beberapa langkah dalam
memvisualisasikan impian, yaitu:
1. Mendefinisikan impian
Mendefinisikan impian artinya memberikan batasan atau standar akan
impian yang hendak dicapai. Kemudian, gambarkanlah semua impian
seolah-olah Anda sudah sepatutnya meraih impian tersebut. Meskipun
tindakan ini terkesan sederhana, tetapi dari gambaran impian itulah
kita akan mencoba berbuat sesuatu untuk melakukan perubahan dan
akhirnya dapat meraih cita-cita.
2. Menentukan target waktu
Dambakan impian itu terwujud sesuai target yang telah ditentukan,
sebab impian tanpa target waktu hanya akan menjadi mimpi sesaat.
Impian dengan target waktu akan menggerakkan kesadaran untuk tidak
segan-segan melakukan perubahan. Maka mulailah dari sekarang, Be the
best, do the best, and then let God take care the rest – Jadilah yang
terbaik, lakukan yang terbaik, biarlah Tuhan yang menentukan. Potensi
yang kita miliki kelihatannya sangat sayang jika tidak dioptimalkan.
3. Melakukan berulang-ulang
Melakukan ulangan artinya mengkondisikan diri kita untuk lebih sering
ingat akan impian kita. Jika sering ingat, maka perlahan-lahan impian
itu akan tertanam di alam pikiran bawah sadar. Bila pesan sudah
diterima oleh SCM (sub-conscience mind), maka dia akan menggerakkan
diri kita untuk menciptakan keputusan atau menjadikan kita lebih
Jika impian lebih sering diimajinasikan ternyata dapat
melipatgandakan kekuatan dari pikiran bawah sadar. Imajinasi yang
diulang-ulang ini akan secara tidak langsung merangsang ilusi akan
kenyataan yang luar biasa tentang potensi kita sebagai umat manusia.
Sehingga diri kita akan berusaha keras mencapai impian yang
divisualisasikan. Begitulah seterusnya kekuatan pikiran bawah sadar
bekerja dan dibangkitkan, hingga perubahan besar terjadi dalam diri
kita pada suatu waktu.*
Sumber:  Kekuatan Pikiran Bawah Sadar oleh Andrew Ho

Rabu, 07 Juli 2010

Happiness of Life According to Islam (2)

4. Maintain health.

Health here covers all sides; body, soul, mind, and spiritual. Maintain healthy body is human nature, because it is associated with survival and also a means to meet the material needs such as food, drink, clothes, dab vehicle.

Islam greatly appreciate human life. Hence Islam forbids killing without any justifiable reasons as the Islamic Shari'ah which prohibits any entity and could endanger his health. Allah the Exalted says, "and do not kill the soul which Allah forbidden (to kill), but with anything (because) that's right." (Surat al-An'am: 151 and al-Isra ': 33)
".. And justified for them all the good and forbid all that is bad for them.." (Surat al-A'raaf: 157)

Word of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam, "No (not do / use something) harmful or dangerous (to others)." (Narrated by Ahmad in Musnadnya, Malik and Ibn Majah)

    Islam greatly appreciate human life.

    Hence Islam forbids killing without any justifiable reasons as the Islamic Shari'ah which prohibits any entity and could endanger his health.
- Mental health: a lot of people who do not pay attention to mental health care and no way to guard it, and he main pillars to achieve happiness. Therefore, Islam is very much concerned with the educational spirit and purified noble qualities.

Mental health up to the faith and decorated with commendable morals and sanitized than bad morals such as anger, arrogance, pride, Grabber, greed, jealousy, envy, and other bad morals.
Allah the Exalted says,
ولا تمدن عينيك إلى ما متعنا به أزواجا منهم زهرة الحياة الدنيا لنفتنهم فيه ورزق ربك خير وأبقى
"And do not be addressed both your eyes to what We have given to groups of them, as the flower of life the world to us cobai them with him. And thy Lord is better and more enduring." (Qur'an: 131)
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said: "if you three, not two people who were whispering to include the other without so they can gather with the crowd so as not to upset her." (Muttafaq 'Alaih)
Allah the Exalted says, "O ye who believe let not a people ridicule other people, maybe they (who mocked) better than their (mock). Do not all women (making fun of) the other women, probably women (who Mocked) more favorably than women (who make fun of). And do not criticize yourself and do not call call with bad titles. That bad-bad call is (call) after bad faith. Those who do not repent, then they will be the ones who dzalim. " (Surat al-Hujuraat: 11)
"O ye who believe, avoid most of suspicion, indeed some suspicion is a sin and do not find fault with others and let your friends one wag settled some of the others. Sukakah one of you eat the flesh of his brother who is dead? So you would have felt disgusted at him. And fear Allah. Allah is Recipient Returning, Most Merciful. " (Surat al-Hujuraat: 12)
- Health reason: Reason is the main reason people get taklif (expense shari'ah). Thus God commanded to guard them and forbid something threatening and damaging. The main reason is to eliminate the sense of awareness that things are forbidden and intoxicating. Allah the Exalted says:
"O ye who believe! (Drinking) alcohol, gambling, (sacrificing to) idols and fate with an arrow, is the act of indecency including devil. So shun the deeds that ye may prosper. Actually it intends to incubus cause enmity and hatred among you because of (drinking) alcohol and gambling, and hinder you from remembering God and prayer: then stop you (from doing the job). " (Surat al Maaidah: 90-91)
- Spiritual health: Shari'at very concerned that facilities can maintain spiritual health. Therefore a believer ordered to dzikrullah every moment as it requires a minimum limit, to meet the spiritual nutrition as ordered compulsory prayers, fasting, zakat, hajj and a wider field in the form of the Sunnah and all the charitable deeds to draw closer to God.

These devotions bind a servant to his Lord and return it to the Creator when tersibukkan by the world. Therefore, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said: "and made happiness my heart in prayer." He said to Bilal, "O Bilal, entertain us with prayers."
Shariah also prohibits any action that could damage the spiritual and weaken it. Shari'ah prohibits follow passions, syubuhat, and memanjkan themselves in pleasure, because it causes liver becomes blind, and heedless of dzikrullah. That is why God menyifati unbelievers are like beasts, "They had no other, just like cattle, they are even more astray (from the animal herd)." (Surat al-Furqaan: 44)
"And those who disbelieve have fun (the world) and they eat like animals eat. And hell is where they live." (Surah Muhammad: 12)

5. Striving for material that bring happiness.
As explained earlier, Islam does not deny the urgency to realize the happiness meteri. Only, all this material, not as an absolute requirement to obtain happiness, but only as a means only. Many texts reinforce this reality, among them the word of Allah, the Exalted,

قل من حرم زينة الله التي أخرج لعباده والطيبات من الرزق

"Say: 'Who made God forbid jewelry that has been removed from Him for His servants, and (who pulakah which forbid) good fortune?" (Surat al-A'raaf: 32)
The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said, "The best treasure is owned righteous servant." The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said, "between elements of Adam's children's happiness: his wife shalihah, residence area, and comfortable vehicles."

Islam does not deny the urgency to realize the happiness meteri.

Only, all this material, not as an absolute requirement to obtain happiness, but only as a means only.

6. Managing time. Time is the main human capital over the life of the world.
Hence Islam is concerned the time and will hold accountable a believer of his time. And later in the day of Judgement, he will be questioned about his time. Commands of Islam is to help people manage time and take advantage uantuk well between life and material needs on the one hand, and to meet the spiritual and religious needs on the other side. Islam has commanded the believers to take advantage of time fatherly kindness and good deeds.

Allah the Exalted says,

ياأيها الذين آمنوا لا تلهكم أموالكم ولا أولادكم عن ذكر الله ومن يفعل ذلك فأولئك هم الخاسرون. وأنفقوا من ما رزقناكم من قبل أن يأتي أحدكم الموت فيقول رب لولا أخرتني إلى أجل قريب فأصدق وأكن من الصالحين

"O ye who believe let not your possessions or your children divert you from the remembrance of Allah. Whoever has done this then it is they who are the losers. And spend of what We have given you before death comes to one among you, and he said: 'Oh my God, why hast thou not suspend the (death) to my short time, which causes me to be charitable and I'm including people who are pious?'. " (Surat al Munaafiquun: 90-10)
The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said, "No slipping two feet of a servant on the Day of Resurrection so that God asks four things: He is, for what his life was spent; time in his youth, used for anything; treasure, from which he got and for what it spends; knowledge, whether or not to be carried out. " (Narrated by Tirmidhi)
The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said the other,

نعمتان مغبون فيهما كثير من الناس الصحة والفراغ

"There are two blessings which the majority of people lose money on both, which is (good) health and free time." (Narrated by Al Bukhari from Ibn Abbas)

By: Badrul Tamam


Happiness of Life According to Islam (1)

Happiness is living in the Islamic view is not to dwell on the material side. Although Islam recognizes if the material becomes part of the element of happiness.

Islam is basically looking at the problem of matter as a means not an end. Therefore, Islam gave great attention to elements such ma'nawi have noble manners as a way to get happiness in life.
Some nash syar'i has demonstrated this:
والأنعام خلقها لكم فيها دفء ومنافع ومنها تأكلون ولكم فيها جمال حين تريحون وحين تسرحون
"And He has created cattle for you; him there (feathers) that warms and various benefits, and of them ye eat. And you get a beautiful view of him, when you bring it back into the cage and when you release it into the pastorate. " (Surat An-Nakhl: 5-6)
قل من حرم زينة الله التي أخرج لعباده والطيبات من الرزق

"Say:" Who forbids jewelry from God who has spent his servants to him and (who pulakah which forbid) good fortune? "(Surat Al-A'raf: 32)
Word of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam, "between elements of the child's happiness is the wife of Adam shalihah, residence area, and a comfortable ride." (Narrated by Ahmad)

Islam is basically looking at the problem of matter as a means not an end.

Therefore, Islam gave great attention to elements such ma'nawi have noble manners as a way to get happiness in life.


Bliss world
Islam has set some legal and some criteria that drive human beings to achieve happiness of life in the world. It's just that Islam emphasizes that the life of this world, nothing else, just a path to the afterlife. While real life should he seek the life hereafter. Allah the Exalted says,
من عمل صالحا من ذكر أو أنثى وهو مؤمن فلنحيينه حياة طيبة

"Those who do pious deeds, whether male or female in a state of faith, verily to him will We give a good life." (Surat An-Nahl: 97)
وابتغ فيما آتاك الله الدار الآخرة ولا تنس نصيبك من الدنيا

"And look at what God has given unto you (happiness) in the Hereafter, and do not forget bahagianmu from (enjoyment) of the world." (Surat al-Qashshash: 77)
فما متاع الحياة الدنيا في الآخرة إلا قليل
"Yet the pleasures of life in this world (compared with life) in the afterlife is just a little." (Surat At-Taubah: 38)
Everlasting Happiness
Hereafter is the eternal bliss of eternal happiness. Being a servant keshalihan return for a lifetime in the world. Allah says,
الذين تتوفاهم الملائكة طيبين يقولون سلام عليكم ادخلوا الجنة بما كنتم تعملون
"(They are) those who diwafatkan in good condition by the angels by saying (to them):" Peace be unto you, ye enter into heaven because of what ye did. " (Surat al-Nahl: 32)
للذين أحسنوا في هذه الدنيا حسنة ولدار الآخرة خير ولنعم دار المتقين
"People who do good in this world gets (retaliation) is good. And verily the Hereafter is better village and that is the best place for people who fear Allah." (Surat Al Nahl: 30)
Islam has set the task of human beings on earth as the caliph in it. Assigned to earth and realize the prosperity of human need is there. It's just that in practice there is always a problem that requires it seriously and be patient. Life is not just easy as you want and diangankan people. In fact, she always went from easy to difficult, from healthy to sick, from poor to rich, or vice versa.
These exams will always fill the human life that led him to be patient, wants a strong, determined high, bertawakkal, courage, sacrifice, and morality as well as others. All this will bring peace, happiness, and ridla.
Allah the Exalted says,
ولنبلونكم بشيء من الخوف والجوع ونقص من الأموال والأنفس والثمرات وبشر الصابرين الذين إذا أصابتهم مصيبة قالوا إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون أولئك عليهم صلوات من ربهم ورحمة وأولئك هم المهتدون
"And indeed, We shall give a trial to you, with something of fear, hunger, lack of wealth, lives and fruits. And give glad tidings to those who wait, (that) people who, when disaster struck, they say," Innaa lillaahi raaji `wa innaa ilaihi Uun" Those who got a perfect blessing and mercy from their Lord, and they are the ones that receive guidance. " (Surat al-Baqarah: 155-157)
The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said:
عجبا لأمر المؤمن إن أمره كله خير وليس ذاك لأحد إلا للمؤمن إن أصابته سراء شكر فكان خيرا له وإن أصابته ضراء صبر فكان خيرا له
"It was amazing to affairs of a believer. The whole business is well worth. If given the kindness he was grateful, and that's good for him. And if the patient struck her ugliness, and that's good for him." (Narrated by Muslim)
How to achieve happiness
1. Believe and do righteous.
Achieve happiness through faith viewed from several aspects:
a. People who believe in Allah Most High and the One, no partner for Him, with perfect faith, net of impurities of sin, then he will feel the peace of mind and tranquility of the soul. He will not be confused and bored with his life, even going ridla against destiny God in him, surely he would be grateful to the kindness and patience of the plague '.

Submission of a believer to God is the foundation for guiding ruhaninya beginning to work harder because they feel their lives have meaning and purpose of the attempted accomplishment. Allah says,

الذين آمنوا ولم يلبسوا إيمانهم بظلم أولئك لهم الأمن وهم مهتدون
"Those who believe and do not mix their faith with kedzaliman adukkan (Shirk), they are the people who got their security and it is the people who receive guidance." (Surat al-An'aam: 82)
b. Faith makes a person alive who has pushed her footing to achieve. Then his life would have high value and worth who encouraged him to do good and strive in His Way. With it all, she will leave the narrow selfish lifestyle so beneficial to his community where he lived.
When someone is selfish then the day-to-day life was narrow and limited objectives. But when her life by thinking about its function, it seems a long and wonderful life, he will feel the full value of his days.
c. The role of faith not only to gain happiness, but also as a means to eliminate suffering. That's because a believer knows he will always be tested in his life. And the tests were included to test the faith, it will grow inside her strength patience, passion, trust in God, bertawakkal to Him, begging for refuge in Him, and fear Him. These potentials include the main tools for realization of a noble purpose in life and ready to face the test of life. Allah the Exalted says:
إن تكونوا تألمون فإنهم يألمون كما تألمون وترجون من الله ما لا يرجون
"If ye are suffering, indeed, they also suffer pain (sometimes), just as you are miserable, are you expecting from God what they did not expect. And Allah is Knower, Wise." (Surat al-Nisa ': 104)

The role of faith not only to obtain happiness, but also as a means to eliminate suffering.

2. Has a noble character who encouraged it to do good to others.
Humans are social creatures who must interact with the creatures countrymen. He could not live alone without the need of others in meeting all their needs. If socializing with them is a necessity, whereas humans have the nature and variety of thought, it would have been misunderstandings and mistakes that made him sad. If not addressed with wise attitude then interact with humans would be for bringing sadness and misery and distress. Therefore, Islam gave great attention to character and built it. This could be witnessed in a few verses and the hadith below:
a. The Word of God in His Messenger menyifati sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam,
وإنك لعلى خلق عظيم
"And thou art virtuous really great character." (Surat al-Qalam: 4)
فبما رحمة من الله لنت لهم ولو كنت فظا غليظ القلب لانفضوا من حولك فاعف عنهم واستغفر لهم وشاورهم في الأمر
"It was by the grace of Allah that you apply gentle towards them. If ye be tough again be rude, they would abstain from all around. Therefore pardon them and ask forgiveness for them, and consult them in affairs." (Surah Ali Imran: 159)
b. God's command to the believers in order to please help in goodness,

وتعاونوا على البر والتقوى ولا تعاونوا على الإثم والعدوان
"And please-menolonglah you in the (only) virtue and piety, and not to mutual help in sin and wrongdoing." (Surat al anymore: 2)
c. God commands people to repay evil with goodness,

ولا تستوي الحسنة ولا السيئة ادفع بالتي هي أحسن فإذا الذي بينك وبينه عداوة كأنه ولي حميم وما يلقاها إلا الذين صبروا وما يلقاها إلا ذو حظ عظيم

"And not equal good and evil. Repel (evil) with a better way, then suddenly people among you there is enmity between him and seems to have been a very loyal friend. Good properties but it is not conferred to those who are patient and not conferred but rather to people who have great luck. " (QSL Fushshilat: 34-35)
d. Word of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam, Actually I was sent to perfect noble character. "

e. Word of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam, "The likeness of those who believe in compassion, love and gentleness between them is like one body, if there is one member who hurt the entire body also felt sick and could not sleep." (Agreed 'Peace be upon)
3. Intensifying dhikr and feel is always accompanied by God.
Lo keridlaan Essence servants depending on the place depends. And Allah is the One who was the most peaceful servant's heart and chest into the field by remembering Him. Due to Him a believer to ask for help to get their needs and avoid the sorts of dangers. Therefore, the Shari'a taught some dhikr binding between a believer in God Almighty according to the place and time, ie when there is something expected or there is something menghawatirkannya. Dhikr Dhikr-binding was a servant of the creator so that he will return all due to the ordain.
Here are some texts that indicate the relationship dhikr with the happiness of a servant.
a. Word of Allah, the Exalted:
الذين آمنوا وتطمئن قلوبهم بذكر الله ألا بذكر الله تطمئن القلوب

"(They are) those who believe and whose hearts find satisfaction in the remembrance of Allah. Remember, only the remembrance of Allah do hearts find satisfaction." (Surat al Ra'du: 28)
b. Command of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam when married to a Muslim.

اللهم إني أسألك خيرها وخير ما جبلتها عليه وأعوذ بك من شرها ومن شر ما جبلتها عليه

"Oh God, I beg tabi'at kindness and goodness he brought, and I seek refuge from the ugliness and badness tabi'at he brings." (Narrated by Abu Dawood No. 2160, Ibn Majah and al Hakim no1918).

c. Prayer when there is wind noise:

اللهم إني أسألك خيرها وخير ما فيها وخير ما أرسلت به, وأعوذ بك من شرها وشر ما فيها وشر ما أرسلت به

"O Allah! Verily I beg of Thee the good of the wind (this noisy), what's in it goodness and kindness exhaled air goals. I seek refuge in Thee from the evil wind of this, what crimes and crimes in which exhaled air goals." (Muttafaq 'Alaih)
d. Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam obliges to do because (business), for help to God, and not sad if the expected results did not materialize. "Passionate search for useful for you, ask for help to God, and do not be weak. If something bad happens you do not say: 'If I do this it certainly does not happen that way.' But say: 'Allah has ordained this calamity. What God wills must happened '. Since the word' if 'can open the devil deeds. " (Narrated by Muslim)

    "Passionate search for useful for you, ask for help to God, and do not be weak..." Al-hadith
To be continued. . .
By: Badrul Tamam


Preceding Qur'an Modern Science

Preceding Qur'an Modern Science

سنريهم آياتنا في الآفاق وفي أنفسهم حتى يتبين لهم أنه الحق أولم يكف بربك أنه على كل شيء شهيد

"We will show them the signs (of power) We in all regions of the earth and to themselves, so obvious to them that the Qur'an is true. Do it enough that your Lord is witness over all things?. "(Surat Fushilat (41): 53)


A. Hidayah Al-Quran Book

Q: To what Allah subhanahu wata'ala down the Qur'an?

Answer: God subhanahu wata'ala down the Qur'an to be a guidance for mankind. Al-Quran is a book of instructions, not the book of medicine or engineering, astronomy or chemistry is not the book that collects a variety of scientific information sciences such. Once again he is only the book of divine guidance for human behavior.


B. Down with the Qur'an Allah subhanahu wata'ala Science

Question: Then what do you mean the phrase "Al-Qur'an preceded modern science?"

Answer: That is, when the Qur'an speaks of humans, plants, or other creatures, he must talk about its nature. The new man know after science and sophisticated equipment used to conduct various scientific research. That is the meaning of the Qur'an preceded modern science as well as new evidence of miracles the Qur'an in the technological advances that increasingly confirms that he is not the slightest words of Allaah that contain errors.


C. Dada crowded

Question: What are examples of this problem?

Answer: quite a lot of examples, among them the discovery of the pilots about the increasingly crowded their chests every time they increase the height of the air to the extent they felt choked, unable to breathe because the decrease in oxygen levels. This reality has not been studied before, people assume that the air available to the planets and stars in the sky. While the Qur'an has been revealed this nature since the fourteenth century more. Subhanahu wata'ala God says:
فمن يرد الله أن يهديه يشرح صدره للإسلام ومن يرد أن يضله يجعل صدره ضيقا حرجا كأنما يصعد في السماء كذلك يجعل الله الرجس على الذين لا يؤمنون

"Whoever God wants to give him directions, surely He enlarges the chest for (religion) of Islam. and whoever Allah wills astray Allah makes his chest narrow congested again, as if he were climbing the sky. That God sent punishment to people who do not believe. "(Surat al-An'am (6): 125).
That is: Whoever has the right whom Allah subhanahu wata'ala because of bad deeds-deeds and hostility towards Islam, Allah makes his chest narrow wata'ala subhanahu when they hear mauizhah (advice) that reminded him of the truth of Islam such as the narrowness of the chest of people who ascended to heaven. This unknown man who does not believe in before they use the aircraft. So if the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alayhi wasallam has a special plane to convey this information? Or is conveyed purely scientific revelation from Allah subhanahu wata'ala?!

D. Information about Taste Center at the Skin

Question: Are there other examples?

Answer: Yes, we take the example of human body composition. People used to believe that there are sensitive nerves throughout the body with the same sensitivity. But modern science to reveal this error, apparently the central sensitivity to pain and others are located on the skin where the needle just a pain in the skin. The Qur'an mentions this fact before the invention of the experts.
إن الذين كفروا بآياتنا سوف نصليهم نارا كلما نضجت جلودهم بدلناهم جلودا غيرها ليذوقوا العذاب إن الله كان عزيزا حكيما

"Those who disbelieve Our revelations, We shall admit them into hell. Every time their skin is burned, we replace them with leather skin, whom they felt the punishment. Surely Allah is Mighty, Wise. "(Surat An-Nisa (4): 56).

The point: Feeling sick to receive the punishment they are concentrated in the skin and the skin had been scorched when cooked they do not feel the punishment anymore. Hence, Allah the Most Knowing subhanahu wata'ala his creation to replace it with new skin so that they continue to feel the punishment.

Did Muhammad sallallaahu 'alayhi wasallam has a special surgical tools to find out this information? Or whether this is just proof that the Qur'an is the word of God revealed in His knowledge? Wata'ala subhanahu True God Almighty has said:

"We will show them the signs (of power) We in all regions of the earth and to themselves, so obvious to them that the Qur'an is true. Do it enough that your Lord is witness over all things?. "(Surat Fushilat (41): 53)


The Qur'an contains the new information revealed the truth after many centuries as the progress of science.

• Among the information the Qur'an about the people who surf the chest crowded skies, and taste center in the skin. Twentieth-century science and the Qur'an to justify this information.

• The truth of this as proof that the Qur'an is merely subhanahu wata'ala God's revelation to His Messenger Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam Allahu knows best.
